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Published on 9 May 2012

Digital Exclusion - a LITRG report


The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) published a new report today highlighting the growing problem of ‘digital exclusion’. It provides new evidence that government efforts to move services and transactions online are disadvantaging older people, those with disabilities and the self-employed in particular.

The report incorporates substantial independent research conducted by LITRG with three advice charities. This found that nearly half of those seeking help on tax and tax credit issues did not have access to a computer. Of those without access less than a quarter would like to carry out personal business online, even if barriers such as affordability could be overcome. This suggests the Government’s plans to move interactions and services online will have to make allowance for substantial numbers of ‘paper and post’ hold-outs for some time to come.

To see the full report please use the link below

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