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painter, woman working on a tablet, doctor and nurse, policeman, and a welder
Published on 24 March 2021

Labour Market Intermediaries

We are pleased to publish our report ‘Labour Market Intermediaries: a technical report outlining how umbrella companies and other intermediaries operate in the labour market and the implications for workers who use them’....

Published on 30 October 2017

Self-employed claimants of universal credit – lifting the burdens

In this report, we summarise the main shortcomings of the current universal credit system in respect of the self-employed and propose what we believe to be a workable alternative. Our report does not seek to start from the beginning, instead we set out our own diagnosis of what is wrong with the current system and we suggest changes to the existing system that attempt to preserve the current incen...

Published on 30 May 2007

Older people on low incomes -The case for tax reform

For too long pensioners on low incomes have been a low priority in the tax world of HMRC. The merger of the old Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise has focused on business tax to the detriment of the low-income pensioner. LITRG’s latest report ‘Older people on low incomes: the case for tax reform’, published on 30 May 2007, explains the tax problems of becoming a pensioner, suffering bereaveme...

Published on 30 January 2007

VAT and disabled people - the case for removing the barriers

A comprehensive report by the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is calling for HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to review the VAT reliefs given to disabled people. The report also focuses on the need for better administration of the reliefs to make them easier to obtain, and a re-think on VAT that is payable on products not ‘solely designed’ for disabled people....

Published on 21 September 2006

Tax Appeals - a low income perspective

LITRG have participated in the consultations about tribunals reform which followed the recent White Paper. In a series of contributions, we have considered specific aspects of the proposals for reforming the tax appeal tribunals from the perspective of a user on a low to modest income, who is probably unrepresented. In our report Tax Appeals - a low income perspective, we look at the reform from t...

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