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Published on 4 April 2023

Good guidance – the importance of effective guidance for unrepresented taxpayers


We are pleased to publish our latest report, looking at the importance of effective guidance for unrepresented taxpayers. 

6 people, 2 are looking at laptops, one has a piece of paper, one confused, one with a megaphone and one holding her hands out to the sides shrugging and a thought balloon with question marks.

The report considers the role of guidance in a well-functioning tax system and takes a deep dive into the question of what makes good guidance – identifying several attributes which every piece of taxpayer guidance should exhibit.

The report also sets out 40 general recommendations for the improvement of taxpayer guidance on GOV.UK.

We urge HMRC to incorporate these recommendations in their ongoing programme of work on guidance, and for those who write and design guide to always have our attributes of good guidance at front of mind.

The full report can be found below

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