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Press release

Wooden letters spelling out the word 'RETHINK' with a white circular arrow around it.
Published on 20 December 2022

Digital reporting delay provides time for rethink on thresholds and mandation

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) welcome today’s announcement that the introduction of HMRC’s flagship Making Tax Digital for Income Tax policy will be further delayed by another two years at least. LITRG are also pleased that the government have listened to their concerns about mandating th...

wooden cubes each containing a letter - together spells out the word 'RISK'
Published on 7 December 2022

Risk of imminent VAT return filing problems under new tax reporting regime

HMRC are now automatically signing up VAT-registered businesses to its new Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT programme. These are businesses which should have enrolled into MTD already.1 Under MTD, businesses need to keep their VAT records digitally if they do not already do so and fi...

An image of a bank card with an arrow above and the words 'CASH ADVANCE'
Published on 18 November 2022

HMRC give salary advance answer – but questions remain

Salary advance schemes have been with us for some years, with numerous companies now promoting them through all areas of the labour market. HMRC have now confirmed what LITRG have been concerned about – that they are not compliant with current tax law. HMRC plan to introduce changes to legislation t...

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