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Published on 29 November 2016

Digital services for taxpayers – effectiveness and engagement

In this report, we consider and use a range of complementary and supporting evidence, including face-to-face, telephone and online research, to comment on whether government digital services such as GOV.UK, GOV.UK Verify and HMRC’s digital tax accounts and their supporting material meet the needs of...

a white jigsaw missing one piece, the missing piece has the word 'EVIDENCE' on it.
Published on 9 May 2012

Digital Exclusion - a LITRG report

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) published a new report today highlighting the growing problem of ‘digital exclusion’. It provides new evidence that government efforts to move services and transactions online are disadvantaging older people, those with disabilities and the self-employed in p...

A hand held stamper laid on its side, a stamp has been made in red ink, the stamp reads 'APPEAL'.
Published on 21 September 2006

Tax Appeals - a low income perspective

LITRG have participated in the consultations about tribunals reform which followed the recent White Paper. In a series of contributions, we have considered specific aspects of the proposals for reforming the tax appeal tribunals from the perspective of a user on a low to modest income, who is probab...

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