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a bunch of papers clipped together against a blue background.
Published on 17 October 2023

Autumn Statement representation 2023

Further to a recent news article that we have published (‘Why is my tax refund being sent to a third party I’ve never heard of?'), LITRG have made an Autumn Statement 2023 representation on the topic of tax refund forms and electronic signatures. Our suggestion is that HMRC issue a commissioners’...

an employer handing an envelope to an employee
Published on 9 October 2023

Salary advance

LITRG have responded to the technical consultation on proposed amendment regulations, which allow employers to delay reporting an advance payment of salary (salary advance) made to an employee until payment....

Tiny monopoly houses on top of piles of pound coins.
Published on 23 September 2023

Consultation on a Fairer Council Tax

LITRG has responded to a consultation on a fairer council tax system for Scotland, published jointly by the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA – on behalf of local government)....

Two folders on a desk, one says 'POLICIES' and the other says 'PROCEDURES' on the side of the folders.
Published on 25 August 2023

Tackling non-compliance in the umbrella company market

LITRG have responded to this consultation, the objectives of which are to deliver improved outcomes for workers, to support a level playing field in the umbrella company market, and to protect taxpayers from the significant revenue losses that currently arise from non-compliance....

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